Monday, June 15, 2009

"Opinion on Mumbai Low Standard Bullet Proof Jackets". Will this be the changing time???

Its very important to share the important things happening in the indian society on whole . Every time two or more people sit together, in more than 90 % of the cases the sole thing discussed is "INDIAN POLITICS".I have seen many instances where most of the people talk about every big name of indian politics, dicusss various issues taken up by those big names discussed,and what the surprising thing is that only few leaders are praised for their work, rest all are always on the negative side of the talks.

One thing which astonished me the most was the case of "Below Standard Bullet Proof Jackets" taken up at Mumbai.I fail to understand one thing that when the company which manufactured those jackets were already handed over the standards required for jackets at the time of passing the tender and the company has manufactured it accordingly, how could those jackets be termed as below standard now???

The only lapse which i could understand is that either those jackets where not tested after manufacturing or before accepting the consignment of these jackets those where not checked by the concerned authorities.

If the government or the opposition now says that these jackets were not of the prescribed standards,How could one believe this now???????

The only questions which arise are where the actual lapse was???

Whether it was
A)The Department which accepts the consignment did not check that the order was taken as per the standards prescribed?
B)Whether the company itself did not manfacture the jackets as per the standards given to them?
C)Whether these jackets did not pass the after manfacture tests??
D)Or the certificate of quality tests was fraudlently given?

From the above points it is almost clear that there was some mal-practices going on in the government departments.So as per me government should leran from this situation and should work with proper controlls in order to avoid such incidences in future which could in turn spoil the image of the country on the global level.

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